The Plan

We made the decision last year that now was the time to downsize further. Five years earlier we had downsized by moving back to our home town selling a large country house and buying a modern new build. The house we bought was a 4 bed detached with a view that it was an investment. Rather than fully downsizing at that time we could diversify some of our saving in to property, it couldn't loose. And nor did it but we didn't make much either, what investments have over the last few years!

We loved the 4 bed detached, great location, lots of space, too much really,for two people.Two, too many, bedrooms. Two, too many, reception rooms. Two, too many bathrooms!  During this period we had a fab trip to New Zealand. When we got to Queenstown we staying in a pent house apartment in a brand new hotel development. We fell instantly in love with the idea of living in a modern high spec' spacious but compact apartment  living. The only issue in the UK with this style of living is they are generally not high spec and usually built for as social housing or in the center of cities. You certainly didn't have the tremendous views of the Remarkable Mountain range we had in Queenstown!  So the next best thing was a bungalow and of course selling the 4 bed detached, but that's another story.

 Once the bungalow was found and finally bought the design for our new living space was very firmly in our head, not to be changed! Oh how we now laugh at that thought, that design was superseded easily twenty times. However the basic concept for our future living had not changed. Get a great location and turn it in to contemporary apartment living space for the 21st Century. A living space large enough for two people to live efficiently in to old age. It has to be fuel efficient with the goal of passive house, with in the realms of common sense. More later on Passive House (Passivhaus). I think we will achieve this goal and we will share more of the plan soon.