Friday 9 September 2011

Getting Down to It

Those finishing touches over the last few days of the project are the icing on the cake and the bits you'll see every day for the coming years. We've never really had a deadline on the project but most of the trades do, they are going on holiday! This means that joiners and electrician are competing for space with floor fitters.
The guys fitting the floor will have covered the the whole house using  Colonia in the space of just two days, good going!  Tomorrow the focus moves to finishing off the outside. The patio and front access start to be finished.  This weeks  disappointment is that the granite work surface is delayed until next Monday. We'll stay at the apartment this weekend without a hob and kitchen sink, we'll manage! 

Wednesday 7 September 2011

# It's the Final Countdown!!

Well we've reached week Ten of the big renovation and the team are on target to complete the schedule on time. You'll remember that we were ahead of schedule by a week a month or so back. The main hold up was a two week delay with the installation of the bi-fold doors which finally went in yesterday. Mark and the team at MAS have been proactive finding ways to mitigate the issue  but at the end of the day a number of tasks backed up behind that installation. 

  The boiler was fired up yesterday by Darren of Pegasus Plumbing and Heating Services Ltd. Most all of the plumbing is now complete, the final job will be connecting the kitchen sink once the granite work surface is installed later this week.   
Paul and Matt are finishing the final bits of wood work and Rob of Trent Electrical is really going to the wire. On Tuesday his day on the job started at 5pm after a full day on Jury Service! That what I call dedication!  The final bit of good news was my little bit of hands on with the project. The MVHR Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery System was commissioned and signed of for building regulation this week.  The system is running smoothly and quietly and only time will tell this winter whether it was worth the investment.